Minor bug fix

As Ludum Dare user oxrock has discovered, it was possible to select options by scrolling the mousewheel while hovering over an option. As this is especially annoying on a webpage, I decided to fix this (very minor) bug so other people playing the web version don't have to run into this. The downloadable binaries for all other platforms haven't been updated since it doesn't matter that much for them. I've kept the original source as a download on itch.io, but I've renamed it to "Godot project (LD39)". This file contains the version of the project exactly as it was when the LD39 compo ended. I've also added a new source file, called "Godot project (bugfix)" that contains the source project as it is right now (which is the same as the version that's running in your browser). 

If you want to play the game exactly as it was when the compo ended, please download one of the binary versions. If you don't really care about this minor change, simply play the web version - if your browser supports it.


Web Version (Downloadable) 4.6 MB
Jul 31, 2017
Godot project (bugfix) 1.4 MB
Jul 31, 2017
Godot project (LD39) 1.4 MB
Jul 31, 2017

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