Post-compo update 1

I just released the first (minor) post-compo update to The Alchemyst!

This update changes the following things:

  • Adds a mute button so you can mute all sounds
  • Fixes a bug with touch screen input not behaving properly
  • Slightly adjusts the auto-brewer label to make it more clear what the interval value means
  • Shows a “level” specifier on certain upgrades to make it more clear that these are distinct upgrades
  • Adjusts some of the upgrades’ images to make it more clear what the upgrades do without reading the tooltip
  • Adds a short splash screen before starting the game

If you’re rating my Ludum Dare entry, please use one of the attached pre-update builds instead of the updated web version. Sadly, doesn’t allow you to have multiple web versions online at the same time, so the live web version is the post-compo version.


The Alchemyst (Windows, compo version) 15 MB
Oct 04, 2021
The Alchemyst (Linux, x86_64, compo version) 16 MB
Oct 04, 2021
The Alchemyst (Web, compo version) 6.6 MB
Oct 03, 2021

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