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Hmmmm i dint get a lot of the upgrades still got the ending, guessing theres only one ending and its set no matter what?

There is indeed only one ending. I’m pretty sure it triggers at a set amount of potions brewed, but that should be so high that you need most upgrades to get it in a reasonable amount of time (I guess there’s some you could skip if you wanted to). Anyway, thanks for playing and thanks for leaving some feedback!

yeah weird trigger as that means you can get a bad ending even if you do nothing bad or evil.


The "harmless reactant" C10H15N lmfaooo


Nice Ending!
Maybe add a Key on the Keyboard to make it go down faster?
And also make it more obvious that you can change the speed of & toggle the autoclicker, also why is a lower multiplier for that leading to faster speed? Or did you mean to write seconds?


Thanks for the feedback!
Yes, the autobrewer interval is the time between two automatic stirs/clicks, which is why it brews faster for lower numbers.


That was fun. And the ending was cool. I didn't expect an ending.  Loved the little twist with that second to last upgrade.


Thanks for the nice comments!
I realized the main menu button might be somewhat confusing which is why I tried to move it down more. But in the end you only lose a couple of seconds of your time by missclicking since I forced the game to save whenever you click that button, so I figured it wouldn’t be that big of a deal…

(1 edit) (+1)

I wish the Back To Main Menu button wasn't right next to the pause button. And that it had a Are You Sure?

Not that important.  Realized later the progress was saved so all I had to do was continue.